Want to reverse signs of wrinkles and pigmentation

Reverse signs of wrinkles and pigmentation through Fraxel Laser treatments. This treatment has become popular in recent years and promises to smooth skin tone, soften scars and frown lines, face lifting and vastly reducing discolouration.

Fraxel can be safely used on many body areas besides the face. It gives excellent results on the back of hands, neck and chest.

Reverse signs of wrinkles and pigmentation – Fraxel Laser is an effective treatment. Fraxel laser is also used for:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles – like crow’s feet and brow lines
  • Surface scarring – erasing effects of acne and other scarring
  • Pigmentation – minimizing the appearance of age spots
  • Sun damage – helping heal dangerous skin damage
  • Actinic Keratosis (AK) – a common pre-cancerous skin condition
  • Skin tightening and pore reduction

Fraxel treatment is safe and effective for all skin colours because it precisely targets microscopic areas deep in the skin, leaving the surrounding tissue intact – without scarring or increased pigmentation.

It is ideal for those with pigmentation (both sun and hormone-induced), wrinkles around the eyes and lips, textural skin problems and is also the first to effectively treat acne and surgical scars.

It is the only device specifically designed to restore a fraction of skin at a time without breaking the protective outer layer. The unique way it works allows for dramatic improvement in the skin without the side effects.

What happens in a treatment?

Firstly the skin is thoroughly cleansed. Next, a local anesthetic cream is applied for 30 minutes before the treatment starts.

Post-treatment your skin will be slightly red like you had been out in the sun. This usually lasts 1-2 days. You need to avoid the sun and apply a sunblock cream on the treated area.

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